pp108 : Modifying Single Value Attributes of LDAP Objects

Modifying Single Value Attributes of LDAP Objects

This topic describes modifying the single value attributes of LDAP objects.

Before you begin this task:
You must have the role of systemAdmin or orgAdmin to modify single value attributes of LDAP objects.

System Administrators can modify the single value attributes (the attributes that can take a single value) of an LDAP object in the LDAP Explorer.

  1. On CUSP > My Applications, click (LDAP Explorer) . The LDAP Explorer window displays the list of LDAP objects (organizations, authenticated users and the Applications) with their content items.
  2. Click on the required object in the LDAP Explorer pane. The properties of the LDAP object are displayed in the Properties pane.
  3. To change the value, click the field and modify it.
    Note: New values cannot be added for this attribute. Only the existing values can be modified.

    The single value attribute of an LDAP object has been modified.

Related tasks

Modifying Multi Value Attributes of LDAP Objects
Modifying XML File Attributes of LDAP Objects